Description of the Indonesia region border
Indonesia is a country with abundant natural resources. History records that Indonesia is located in the international sea trade routes and inter-island, cruise lines have become between India, China and Europe for several centuries. The existence of geographical conditions such as the above illustration to make Indonesia as an ideal place for the life of the nation at least Indonesia has been an area of interest of other nations since the 8th century BC. Indonesia has an area of 8 million square kilometers of land area of 1.9 million square kilometers, and the sea area of 5.8 million square kilometers, based on geographical data shows Indonesia is an archipelagic country and have that number reached 17 504 islands big and small islands, about 9634 of them uninhabited and vast territorial waters reach 5.8 million km2, and length of coastline which reaches 81 900 km2, two-thirds of Indonesia is the sea area, its implications, there are only three land border and the rest is sea border. Indonesia sea border borders with 10 countries including Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, India, Thailand, Vietnam, the Republic of Palau, Australia, East Timor, and Papua New Guinea. As for the land, Indonesia borders with three countries, namely Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and Timor Leste and the length of the overall land border 2914.1 km. (Http:// wiki / Indonesia)
Looking at this geographical conditions of Indonesia which has a sea and land border areas are so extensive course requires an organized system of border management and professionals, both at the central and local levels. Unresolved border issues and the emergence of various problems in Indonesia-Malaysia border due to lack of management and infrastructure in border areas have shown less supervision and security of border areas to be able to interfere with the establishment of the sovereignty, dignity and authority of the Indonesian nation. During this time, the responsibility for the management of border areas are coordinated only among government agencies, departments and non department without an institution that is directly responsible for border management from central to local levels. Departing from the background of the problems mentioned above can be found then the identification problem is as follows: How is the effort to optimize the role of TNI in order to maintain the sovereignty of the State Border of RI-Malaysia through the development office with the border authorities? What are the benchmarks of professionalism in executing duties TNI securing Indonesia-Malaysia border region corresponding legislation to anticipate or prevent conflicts between nations and reduce the threat to sovereignty? and What are the dominant influence of military officers in executing the task of securing the border through Binter?
Border violations relating to the borders of a country often happens and is done by the political behavior of one of the border countries concerned and involve citizens and foreign military on the border including a border map changes made unilaterally by the state, this indicates that the efforts of the State The commitment and desire to deny the natural resources of Indonesia. Issues boundaries that separate one country to another is a very complicated issue and massive. Not infrequently almost every area of the State border, often conflict is caused by the problems in the border let alone the absence of a government agency directly responsible for border management accountable and oriented approach to security and prosperity in an integrated manner, from central level down to the border regions in Indonesia -Malaysia. conditions in the field indicate that the system of border management in Indonesia has been an alarming stage. Increased crime in the border (border crime) such as timber smuggling, goods, and illicit drugs, human trafficking, terrorism, and the penetration of foreign ideologies have disrupted the sovereignty and security stability in the country's borders.
The factors affecting the optimization of the TNI's role is inseparable from factors internal and external factors with the various limitations that exist, in order to overcome obstacles and weaknesses to exploit opportunities and strengths that exist in order to achieve the expected goals. We realize that the weakness on one side will hinder the achievement of overall objectives. Perceived problems in the formulation also affect the management of border security is concerned: First, border security without the support of the defense aspect of empowerment Geo, Demo, Konsos through Welfare Development approach will be a weakness Second, the emergence of conflicts relating to border issues are not resolved, Third, supervision and use of natural resources are natural resources to the detriment of the State was not optimal in a large scale. Constraints, First Migration of population movement across borders to find work as well as border crossers may be a vulnerability to foreign relations Indonesia-Malaysia. Level of vulnerability relations between countries will increase if the politicized in the escalation of tensions, heats up and it is feared will lead to conflict between countries. Second, weak management and supervision of defense in the border region will always be at risk of armed conflict with another country. Third, there is still a centralized paradigm of regional development, so that only the border region considered, Äúanak stepdaughter, Äù
While the capabilities and opportunities that are owned as follows: Ability, First, Act RI No. 43 of 2008 regarding the construction of the border region became the foundation for the development of border security management system and implementation of major capital construction of the welfare aspects of the border region. Second, the TNI law no 34 year 2004 on the Empowerment of the region through Binter defense and defense of the State border region is a key aspect of the welfare of the principal organization of defense. Third, the inclusion of regional command elements as the organizer of territorial development and the professional title of Battalion Heading to promote civilian supremacy along the State border line. Opportunities, First, Act No. 17 of 2007 on National Development Planning System can be used as opportunities to support the implementation of development aspects of welfare. Second Effort Command involvement of regional as well as organizers of the territorial function of fostering the professional title of Battalion Heading to promote civilian supremacy along the State border line can be used as opportunities to support the implementation of development kesejahteraan.Ketiga aspect, proximity between the Indonesia-Malaysia-Malaysia Indonesia where people can perform trade activities and buying and selling can even be done in barter so that it can boost the economy in the borderland. Fourth, Indonesia is a country with abundant natural resources which can be utilized for the construction of the border area of defense.
The concept of the expected reform of management system oriented to the aspects of defense and welfare, the establishment of border management is accountable, has a use value and benefits to the well-being and resilience of the region based on a common vision and perception between the TNI and all components of border security activities by establishing an office bodies at national and regional level (between Kemhan, the military, the Central Government and Regional Prop / Kab supported the state budget) that has the task of building a security authority in the border region with the welfare and safety aspects of the approach. Implementation of management reform border security activities are directed to enforce the authority of government in safeguarding State sovereignty, to accelerate the process of demarcation of land and sea country both nationally and internationally, unfold a professional military force in an operation pamtas and opster accountable through monitoring and pelasanaan Bakti TNI / TMMD and tender development projects are realized Strength To prepare the empowerment aspect of the land area of Homeland Defense to prioritize civilian supremacy along the lines of the State border is a military effort in supporting the management of border security reform. Judging from the problems of land and sea borders the military needs to assist the Government and Parliament as soon as possible to make the process of demarcation of land and sea country both nationally and internationally.
are the benchmarks of professionalism in executing duties TNI securing
Indonesia-Malaysia border region corresponding Act in order to anticipate or
prevent conflicts between nations and reduce the threat to sovereignty?
Regional Defense Strategy.
Regional Defense Strategy.
Optimizing the role of the TNI in supporting reform of border security management. Optimizing the role of the TNI as a pioneer and driving force in support of the Reform Management Systems implemented border security through empowerment of the defense. Benchmark TNI professionalism in performing their duties need to consider the Framework (a framework) as the Grand Design of a management organization of border security is to realize the region's sovereign borders, safe, dignified and prosperous have a deterrent power against various threats coming from inside and abroad which is emphasized through the organization of standardization activities in accordance with the duties as outlined in the Job description (job description) which is supported by science and technology (Ilpengtek) books of technical and operational guidance, doctrine doctrines and policies so that the percentage of achievement can be measured and tested the security of borders are accountable for performance-based assessment materials appropriate objectives to be achieved regarding the planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling human resources, natural and artificial in an effective and efficient way to prepare personnel, materials, budget, facilities and infrastructure, terrain and border security activities in measured in order to uphold the authority of government in order to maintain the sovereignty of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia and has a high deterrent effect and be able to prevent and suppress cross-border crime in the function as a deterrent and penindak accordance with the Act.
How is an effort to optimize the role of TNI in order to maintain the sovereignty of the State Border of RI-Malaysia through the development office with the border authorities?
Country's defense capacity building aimed at the implementation of an accountable system of state defense and can ward off all forms of multi-dimensional threats from within and abroad. All national resources in the form of geography, demographics, social conditions, human resources, natural and artificial resources, facilities and infrastructure, values, technology, and funds can be utilized to enhance the country's defense capabilities are further regulated by Government Regulation. Development in the region should pay attention to coaching the defense capabilities of accountable performance-based where the expected output is a useful thing for society. TNI in analogy Tools or tool as a tool of the State in which the military would potentially when given specific tasks in the empowerment of the defense.
Establish a governing body the State border area.
Management system of border
security reform. That the management of the country's defense system is a
function of government, According to Law No. 3 year 2002 on the State's
defense, explained that the president is responsible for State defense, the
Armed Forces Commander is responsible to the President in the use of state and
defense components in collaboration with the Minister in meeting the needs of
the Defence Force Indonesia. Security management authority at the border itself
has long been handed over to the TNI in accordance with Law No. 34 year 2004 on
the fundamental duty of the TNI. Still lack the motivation and the role of
central government / local to manage the border area with the welfare approach
(prosperity approach) implies a full military authority as administrator of the
state border security with an emphasis on safety aspects and do not offend the
social welfare aspects of the economy, so it needed to be changes in the system
which was originally oriented management approach is now all the power and
defense in the administration of border security efforts should be directed
through the defense and welfare aspects of the approach in an integrated
manner. Through the reform of organizational structure and level of authority
the task of securing the border, with the formation of a government agency
authorizing border security then all the activities carried out and controlled
in a container office with authorization of management of Kalimantan border
regions to uphold the supremacy of civilian leadership by putting border
security task force directly under the leadership of the head management
institutions in the border region assignment for 5 (Five Years) and may be
extended pursuant to an assignment while the task force for 1 (one) year
TNI carry out duties in a professional character to involve primary responsibility as the State Border Guard carried out in central and local government involvement as a determinant of policies to support the planning and budgeting. TNI as an authority in the border region corresponding laws, helped push the government in the framework of the establishment of a national entity-level institutions to jointly manage the border region through the establishment of State's office authorizing the border region in the national and local level in charge of managing the border region include aspects of geography, demography and social conditions through a system of planning and development control area that upholds the supremacy of civilian as well as serve to hold border security through welfare approach, dealing with border issues, manage the border area, develop the economy to welfare and to uphold the sovereignty, dignity and national honor. Establishment of a National Agency offices that exist today such as the National Agency for Development of Border (BNPP) or the office of the Border Area Management Agency (BPK) is currently the only development-oriented approach to welfare alone, without regard to defense and security aspects in it. Now it's time to combine all the strength between the government and the military in order to bear out put the development of a strategic border area. It is certainly require the synchronization of thought and generosity to jointly realize the tasks and functions of each based on the Act and can work together in an integrated way in the administration's defense Indonesia-Malaysia border region.
TNI carry out duties in a professional character to involve primary responsibility as the State Border Guard carried out in central and local government involvement as a determinant of policies to support the planning and budgeting. TNI as an authority in the border region corresponding laws, helped push the government in the framework of the establishment of a national entity-level institutions to jointly manage the border region through the establishment of State's office authorizing the border region in the national and local level in charge of managing the border region include aspects of geography, demography and social conditions through a system of planning and development control area that upholds the supremacy of civilian as well as serve to hold border security through welfare approach, dealing with border issues, manage the border area, develop the economy to welfare and to uphold the sovereignty, dignity and national honor. Establishment of a National Agency offices that exist today such as the National Agency for Development of Border (BNPP) or the office of the Border Area Management Agency (BPK) is currently the only development-oriented approach to welfare alone, without regard to defense and security aspects in it. Now it's time to combine all the strength between the government and the military in order to bear out put the development of a strategic border area. It is certainly require the synchronization of thought and generosity to jointly realize the tasks and functions of each based on the Act and can work together in an integrated way in the administration's defense Indonesia-Malaysia border region.
What is the dominant influence of military officers in executing the task of securing the border through Binter?
Implementation of Performance-Based Tasks The Accountable.
TNI's role in the degree Kodim Kowil strength, Koramil, Battalion Border Post. Tensions emerge starting from relics of the past cases such as release of Sipadan-Ligitan islands, the effort to enter the territory of Indonesia into Malaysia map until the case Ambalat Block makes Indonesia-Malaysia relations heat up some time ago. Meanwhile, when we see our troops on the border mat is inadequate to make efforts to keep the border states. Event troops precisely placed in densely populated areas that have been awakened. Event troops like these need to be changed much less, order and security affairs are now the responsibility of the police. Battalions in the area "safe" from outside interference appropriately relocated to the border areas prone. Securing the border needs to be balanced with the construction of the pass from the unit Zipur. Obviously this is not easy and will require, Äúeffort, Äù or no small effort. However, this proved quite effective on the border of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. The deployment of military forces would impede or harass the authority of disparaging behavior the government of Indonesia to other countries while the construction of the pass by Zipur with Bakti TNI / TMMD is the implementation of border security assignment of accountability for results can be useful for society while the degree of security forces across the border without any specific task is basically can not be used as a measure of border security in an accountable management of performance-based. The deployment of military forces on the border is more advantageous because executed in case of armed conflict with other countries is relatively more difficult to resolve so that any country tend to avoid gunfire. Faced with these conditions is deemed necessary to build the professionalism of the TNI as a border guard potential. Indonesia-Malaysia border safety is a national defense strategy of the most fundamental and aimed at deterrence. Reliable deterrence is to prevent war. War is basically occurs as a result of the failure of the state's defense business and the failure of diplomacy to prevent it. Title of the border security force is basically a government authority of Indonesia has sovereignty. Degree border forces need to be followed by a degree of command territorial unit whose task was to implement the approach Binter welfare aspects such as formation of the New Koramil Kodim and as executor along the border backed by a supportive Zipur TMMD to Bakti TNI and TNI-Rakyat achieved unity. Military Police who oversaw the execution of military duty, etc.. As a people's army, the military must always be close to the people. TNI needs to know and live with people. therefore, attempts to separate the military from the people is the denial of the nature of the TNI as a soldier who comes from the people, fighting with people and for the interests of the people. This is one of the nature of the territorial organization of the functions carried out the TNI to maintain closeness with the people and its territory. (White Book of Defence Minister. H. Matori Abdul Djalil, Jakarta, 31 Mar 2003, Page 2)
Empowerment Through managing the military defense of Geography, Demography and Social Conditions of the border region into a formidable fighting RGD in the interests of Defence. TNI through Binter work optimally to manage and nurture the territorial sovereignty of the State on the border line and the outer islands.
Build a New Region in the Near Border
Development of border areas must begin with the strategic development of road construction along the border in Indonesian territory, as territorial boundaries of static with the State of Malaysia. After the construction of roads along the border it is necessary to build roads that connect to downtown or the center nearest settlement. Local governments can establish new territory border near the border. Development for the expansion of an already established city and the community must be inhibited stimulated to develop new areas. To do so, the Central Government and Local Government should draft a comprehensive development of border regions in order to set up new territories could live both economically and socially. In addition, the newly built areas should be directed to have spesialsisasi in order to stimulate investment in supporting businesses in there.
Binter is currently the main functions of the Army, and became the center of gravity in the execution of Army duty in the field of empowerment of the defense. Empowerment of the country's defense is realized through the TNI's role in assisting the government in the field of spatial RUTR defense area to encourage development that is integrated with the development of national defense and the preparation of State for the purpose of defense logistics area. Securing the border region are carried out by placing the TNI military forces as border guards should be able to provide a high deterrent effect and be able to prevent and suppress transnational crime. The existence of the TNI in Indonesia along the border areas should also be able to give effect to the very meaning of national development, which encourages new growth areas, both in the field of security, economic, educational, social and cultural rights. Looking ahead, the move was developed through collaboration between departments / agencies as a model for development of border areas and outer islands in an integrated manner. Further members of the government in charge of defense, in collaboration with other members of the government outside of defense and directed to intensify the implementation of programs and coaching consciousness Binter defend the country, the concept of nationalism, love the homeland within the framework of the revitalization of the understanding and practice of Pancasila which was held in the educational environment, employment, and settlement. Empowerment of the country's defense also includes securing the borders and securing the small outer islands. The question now is why Binter of territorial commands that need to play? This often arises in the minds of stakeholders and community interests and the answer is quite simple because the command has the ability in territorial planning and control system to integrate development Binter welfare and safety aspects into the strategic development.
Revitalization of Transmigration Program
Build up villages and the TNI's role in the border region's economy. Geographical areas located along the border of the Republic of Indonesia in East Kalimantan covers Nunukan, Malinau, Kutai Barat, while covering the State of Malaysia states of Sabah and Sarawak. The length of the border line of 1038 + miles and borders between regions along the 3882.86 miles by the law on state borders as established and agreed by both parties. To deal with the development of state development in the region neighboring the border, the military needs to encourage the government to be able to hold Transmigration, open access to civilian and military along the border of the pass in order to foster new economic life through the development of a strategic nature is supported by the development of the welfare of border community by developing the capabilities and strengths that we have. To deal with the development of the construction of the neighboring countries should be increased development of border areas through the construction of roads, clean water, electricity as a primary requirement in a project or TMMD Bakti TNI, combined with the construction project budget / budget, Utilization of Natural Resources is maximal, grow the market and Programs transmigration. Transmigration revitalization program aimed at forming a new economic regions are formed near the border. If the transport and communications infrastructure is expected to be prepared so many residents of the territories that are willing to transmigrate solid. The existence of transmigration is useful to drive the economy and to support the implementation of law enforcement. Transmigration is also a major contributing factor in the construction effort as a reserve component of people's resistance and support to add strength to the main component.
Conclusions and Suggestions.
Optimization of the elaboration of the TNI's role in supporting the Security Border Management Reform above then the following conclusions can be drawn: First, no denying that border management is part of the defense architecture of a State, but the paradigm of the state border management strategy needs to be changed to no longer focus only solely on the security approach, on the border demarcation and delimitation of the border conditions are not yet complete is very risky course of impending armed conflict with another country. Second, a full military authorities in the border area need to be synergized with the formation of a governing body representing agencies and local government and the TNI to manage systim border security management and performance of the TNI as Pamtas (Border Guard) are accountable through the synchronization of the government-owned management aspects of welfare (prosperity approach) combined with the security aspects of national security to ensure the realization of a multi-dimensional. Third, the border area which until now only considered as a borderline state and defense paradigm viewed from the domination of the State, which implemented reforms can be optimized to approach prosperity (prosperity approach) in perspective involves not only conventional threats such as military invasions of other countries but are more complex, namely national human security which includes aspects of ideological, political, economic, social, cultural and defense through the organization of territorial Binter by commando unit in order to accelerate the development of border areas. Fourth, reforms must be implemented include the reform of security sector without neglecting the reform of the State border management approach to welfare through the development of infrastructure. Today should be realized solving problems without ignoring border infrastructure development and livelihood of communities border aspects of welfare for the next issue will appear in greater intensity and will be more complex if we do not immediately begin to reorganize border management of this now. Fifth Indonesia-Malaysia border issue will be very closely related to the welfare and security issues. Border communities generally face problems of limited access of the Indonesian economy, employment, limited opportunities to develop business, the weak protection of business assets, wage differentials, etc., when faced with a neighbor in Malaysia so that it will greatly affect the purchasing power of people, this will affect macro-economics from the county / city to the central level of economic development are important factors that can not be ignored.
Then recommended to the Government of Indonesia to get together with TNI to: First
form a joint institute between the TNI-Central and Local Government as the
implementing agency that has authority in the management and development of
border regions as well as the handling of border issues in order to help: The
Return of government authority in borders by focusing on the development of
border areas that the Government and Parliament can make the process of
demarcation of land and sea state for determination of border demarcation and
delimitation of Indonesia both nationally and internationally through political
negotiations backed up his border security force units. Third Building character
of an accountable military professionalism (having power measurement) as a
border guard (border guard) as well as any involvement of the territorial
command units in the organization of territorial development through methods
TMMD Bakti TNI and the welfare approach. Fourth, build infrastructure
facilities and infrastructure at the border by giving priority to the welfare
approach (prosperity approach) in managing the border region. Fifth, improve
the economy in border areas through the development of border areas and transmigration.
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